Hi, my name is

Muhammad Urwah.

Full Stack Web Developer

I possess expertise in constructing complete Web Applications with Intuitive User Interfaces (UIs), Well-implemented Server-Side Architecture and Accurate Data Management.

01. About Me


Greetings, my name is Urwah, and I possess a profound passion for crafting digital experiences on the internet. Even in my early years, I harbored a curiosity about the inner workings of software and game development, driving me to pursue the art of creating them myself. This curiosity materialized as my very first coding endeavor—a blogger blogspot.

Currently, I am pursuing a software engineering degree at Sindh Madressatul Islam University. My primary objective at present is to maintain a steadfast commitment to continual learning and honing my skills in website and application development.

Here are few of the technologies that I frequently work with:


02. Some of my Work

Image of Explain it GPT

Explain it GPT

AI application that uses ChatGPT API to explain terms.

Image of Fashio Store

Fashio Store

Full stack Ecommerce Store Built using Next JS, Node JS and MongoDB.

Image of Know the Countries

Know the Countries

Get to know your countries with this search engine. Built using react.

Image of Apple Clone

Apple Clone

Simple Clone of the Apple's website built using HTML and tailwind css.

Image of Little Lemon's Restaurant

Little Lemon's Restaurant

Website for the Little Lemon's Restaurant built using plain HTML, CSS and JS

Image of 10 Days 10 Projects

10 Days 10 Projects

10 JavaScript projects made within 10 days

03. Get in touch

Feel free to contact me for any inquiries. Whether you have a question or just wanna say hi, I'll try my best to get back to you.